Friday, January 8, 2010

More Bug Reporting Tools

My new hero is Brian Murray. I start most mornings taking a look at our team assigned bugs. Typically running the report on demand meant waiting a good 5-10 minutes to get all the bug tasks.

So Brian copied Bryce's JSON format to make a recurring report that is compatible with Bughugger. As a result I instantly get a view appropriate for a manager. Brian is setting the script to run once per day, so it will be a tad out of date, but useful none the less, especially as I can always run the report on demand if needed right from Bughugger.

Also note the "gravity" column.

You can also just play with the JSON if you want.

1 comment:

  1. Any chance of getting a new PPA release of bughugger? It seems like you've made a lot of improvements since the latest one...
