Today is a US holiday, so I spent a bit of it working on Photobomb (of course). Note that I tweaked the layout a bit, creating an attached panel on the side for all of the buttons. Photobomb currently fits pretty precisely into my Dell Mini 10v screen, and I intend to keep it that way. I also want to limit the number of features that are not accessible from the buttons. That means that I have a limited space, and there for limited features. I think that is a good thing. Photobomb should only have the bare necessary number of features to make it easy and fun to use!
Meanwhile, I've uploaded the latest version of quidgets and then photobomb to
my PPA. If you want to play with photobomb, you'll need to be running lucid, and you'll need to be update enough to have the latest pygame. So:
1. Add my PPA
2. Install Quidgets
3. Install Photobomb
You'll fine photobomb in the Accessories menu (because I didn't tweak the setup.py file *at all*).
Of course I used Quickly to upload to my PPA! I am getting better and faster at setting my computers with my keys and everything else necessary to use a PPA.
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