Todays' feature allows you to easily import images from the web into photo bomb. You can search for a term, in which case you get back 20 matches which you can add to your photobomb with just a click. If you know a specific image that you want, you can get just that URL. You can choose a web search or just a specific url by clicking on the toolbar in the tab. This puts up a prompt for you to type into.

Yesterday I implemented the Web Cam tab by creating a (poorly named) camera_button Quidget and then adding it to the notebook. I took the OO approach a bit further today and implemented the who search tab as a subclass of gtk.VBox, which interacts with the main program through signals.
I suspect that an OO refactoring may be in the future. I can imagine making classes for each type of object added to the goocanvas, as well as classes for each type of import/export UI.
For the record, the branch is
Incredible work. When did you stop ??
ReplyDeleteCan we expect that you work will be ported to f-spot or something ? (please, made a us a red-eye removal in f-spot working !)